Moonday Musings
My personal e-letter on Mo(o)nday mornings for sacred rebels who are ready to radically trust and follow their own body’s cyclical wisdom, release trauma and internalised shame, and erode patriarchy from the inside out!
Imagine …
It’s Mo(o)nday morning and you look forward to your favourite part of the week:
You make yourself a coffee (or tea, or lemon water), but instead of starting to tackle your to-do list (or scrolling social media), you go straight to your inbox and scan for the letter you know will make this day just a little bit brighter – Moonday Musings!
Sipping your favourite morning beverage, you dive into the content which is uplifting, inspirational and thought-provoking. Sometimes passionate, sometimes funny, sometimes soothing, it invites you to connect to yourself and your emotions and land more fully in your body.
After you’ve finished reading, you take some time to sense what’s alive in you now, note or journal on what’s resonating in you, the insights you received, and how you want to integrate them into your day, your week, your life. Maybe you even dare to write a short reply ;-)
It feels good to know that by taking exquisite care of yourself like this, you are making your contribution to a brighter future for humanity and for the planet. And then you ease into your week with more presence and self-awareness and in a cheerful mood, feeling rooted and uplifted at the same time.

What you can expect
When you sign up for Moonday Musings, you will receive a personal e-letter every Mo(o)nday morning, where I share little musings, resources and support in your cyclical experience, for you to feel safe, happy, healthy and (w)holy in your own body, bleeding or not.
These letters are all about menstrual health (including the (peri)menopause journey), menstrual activism, taboo topics and embodied cyclical living, and include personal stories, womb wisdom, blog articles, interviews and opportunities for self-reflection, to help you journey the death-and-rebirth process you go through as a woman and/or menstruator every month with more ease and confidence!
Note that I also share details of my workshops, courses and coaching programs, so you know exactly how I can support you more in-depth on your journey, if it feels aligned. This, however, is an invitation only, so rest assured that I won’t use tactics to manipulate, pressure, shame or blame you, or make you feel inadequate if you don’t buy from me – that’s definitely NOT my cup of coffee ;-)
Simply enter your name and email address in the form below and start receiving Moonday Musings right away!
(Please check your spam and promotions folder if you haven’t heard from me within 15 minutes!)