May my writings encourage you to go on a journey of self-discovery, to find out who you really are beyond all ideas and beliefs, what inspires you, what you are passionate about – and then to take the freedom to be yourself, wholeheartedly!

The Four Phases of Your Cycle Explained: Part 4 – Inner Autumn (Luteal-/Premenstrual Phase / Waning Moon Phase)
This article is part of a four-part mini-series about the different phases of the female cycle (the menstrual cycle or the moon cycle, depending on whether you're pre-, peri- or post-menopausal). You can find[...]
The Four Phases of Your Cycle Explained: Part 3 – Inner Summer (Ovulation / Full Moon)
This article is part of a four-part mini-series about the different phases of the female cycle (the menstrual cycle or the moon cycle, depending on whether you're pre-, peri- or post-menopausal). You can find[...]
The Four Phases of Your Cycle Explained: Part 2 – Inner Spring (Follicular Phase / Waxing Moon Phase)
This article is part of a four-part mini-series about the different phases of the female cycle (the menstrual cycle or the moon cycle, depending on whether you're pre-, peri- or post-menopausal). You can find[...]
The Four Phases of Your Cycle Explained: Part 1 – Inner Winter (Menstruation / Dark Moon)
This article is part of a four-part mini-series about the different phases of the female cycle (the menstrual cycle or the moon cycle, depending on whether you're pre-, peri- or post-menopausal). You can find[...]
Spring Equinox (Ostara)
Spring Equinox is one of the eight festivals in the Wheel of the Year, which in its entirety represents the Cycle of Life. In this cycle of becoming and unbecoming, death and rebirth, Spring[...]
New Year’s Resolutions
– why they often fail and what to do instead
Have you ever set New Year’s resolutions only to find that by the end of January you have already forgotten about all of them? Or that there is this nagging feeling every time you[...]
Winter Solstice (Yule)
Winter Solstice (also known as Yule) is one of the eight festivals in the Wheel of the Year, which in its entirety represents the Cycle of Life. In this cycle of becoming and unbecoming, death[...]
What are the Twelve Holy Nights?
The Twelve Holy Nights are a mystical time „in-between the years“ to wrap up the old year and make room for the new one. Why are they called "Twelve Holy Nights"? I[...]
Inner Winter – The Fallow Season (Rest)
Your cycle supports you – whether you cycle with the blood (menstrual cycle) or with the moon (pregnant, breast-feeding, post menopause, or without uterus/ovaries …). Every month you get to reconnect with yourself and[...]
Beltane (Walpurgis Night)
Beltane (also Walpurgis Night) is one of the eight festivals in the Wheel of the Year, which in its entirety represents the cycle of life. In this cycle of becoming and unbecoming, death and[...]