Photo of the lower abdomen of a white person in blue jeans, wearing a red, open blouse and a dark red flower in the jeans' button hole, hands at their side, forefingers casually woven through the belt loops

Unlock the (Healing) Power of your Cycle

a free tiny course to learn the unique language of your body

Whether you’re pre-, peri- or post-menopausal, you have a cycle – because all Life is cyclical.

Unfortunately, like a lot of us, you probably haven’t been taught what a wonder-full miracle especially the female body is, and that your cycle serves as your personal compass and guide through life!

The relationship between you and your body is the most important, because it will be with you for the rest of your life.

And since the first step to building any great relationship is to get to know each other better, in this free tiny course I’ll explain the basics of your cycle and how you can use it as a superpower to come (back) home to yourself cycle by cycle by cycle – and alleviate possible (menstrual or perimenopausal) health issues in the process.

Are you ready to unlock the (healing) power of your cycle?

This tiny course is for you, whether …

you already have a happy, healthy relationship with your cycle and are simply curious how to deepen it

… you suffer from menstrual health challenges like painful bleeds, irregular cycles, PMS (PreMenstrual Syndrome), PMDD (PreMenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, basically PMS on steroids), or even endometriosis or PCOS and want to have a more easeful experience


you’re peri- or post-menopausal and would like to know how to use the power of the moon cycle in the wisdom phase of your life

It will help you …

understand your personal cyclical rhythm on a deeper level and learn how to chart it, so it can become your compass through life

… live more in tune with your body, instead of struggling against it, so you have more energy for the things that actually matter to you

… move through life with more ease, joy and confidence

Are you ready to understand the language of your body, so it can be(come) your trusted ally and guide through life?

dark red flowery ornament

Who I am, you might ask …

Hi, I’m Lisa (she/her), and I’m a Womb Health Practitioner and confidante through challenging times in life!

I help women and non-binary menstruators alleviate their menstrual or perimenopausal health challenges in a (w)holistic and natural way – without medication, external hormones or surgery.

Let me show you how to take your menstrual or perimenopausal health into their own hands, so you can navigate life with unshakable trust in yourself and your body!

[Learn more about my story here]

Lisa Jara sitting cross-legged on a green lawn, smiling into the camera with a lightly tilted head and a soft pink coffee mug saying "Perfectly Imperfect!"