Especially as a woman or person who bleeds there are two distinct phases in your cycle when your inner critic is loudest. Roshnii Rose shares two exercises to help you start a relationship and set appropriate boundaries with it.

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Everyone has it: an inner critic …
These internal critical voices and thoughts running through your head, telling you to keep pushing, that you are not enough, that you should do better and all the other BS that almost seems like the truth. It isn’t!

And especially if you are a woman or a person who bleeds, then there are two distinct phases in your cycle, where you are even more prone to experiencing this inner criticism.

In this episode, my friend and fellow journaling enthusiast Roshnii Rose shares two exercises she has devised to support you get in touch with your inner critic – to start a relationship and set appropriate boundaries with it.

Roshnii is a mother, writer and mentor, originally from the UK, who moved to Portugal to live closer to the land. A lifelong journal keeper, Roshnii offers workshops, courses and one-to-one mentoring to support others to use personal writing as a tool for self-expression and discovery and to navigate the labyrinth of life.

You can find out more about her work on her Facebook Page and sign up for her workshops here.

I’d love to connect and hear about your own experience, so send me a mail and let me know!

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