Happy, Healthy Period

A guided self-exploratory journey to find out what a happy, healthy period experience could look like for YOU!

Image of four young people with different skin colours, hair colours and underwear, all lying on their backs, heads together, looking confidently into the camera

People are becoming increasingly aware of the fact that period pain and menstrual suffering are common – but not “normal”. Which is amazing!

But when it comes to what we want instead, it’s generally more about “let’s stop the pain/symptoms, because who has time for that?”

I’ve intentionally called my 3-month coaching program “Happy Healthy Period” – because who doesn’t want a happy, healthy experience?
But who knows what that can actually look like?

So that’s exactly what I want to explore with you!

Are you ready to explore your happy, healthy bleeding experience?

This free workshop is for you if …

… you suffer from menstrual health challenges like painful bleeds, irregular cycles, PMS (PreMenstrual Syndrome), PMDD (PreMenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, basically PMS on steroids), or even endometriosis or PCOS

you already have a happy, healthy experience and are just curious how to deepen it


… dare I say: you’re post-menopausal and would like to make peace with the experience you had when you were still bleeding – or envision a happy, healthy Dark Moon ritual (the post-menopause equivalent of the bleeding phase)

Let’s go on a little journey to ponder and dream into the following questions …

how can you make your period more special, in big or small ways? Maybe EVEN IF you experience symptoms?

what does a happy, healthy period experience look like for you?

what do you want to move towards, instead of away from?

dark red flowery ornament

Who am I, you might ask …

Hi, I’m Lisa (she/her), and I’m a Menstrual & (Peri)Menopausal Health Specialist and confidante through challenging life transitions!

I help women and non-binary menstruators alleviate their menstrual or perimenopausal health challenges in a holistic and natural way – without medication, external hormones or surgery.

Let me show you how to take your menstrual or perimenopausal health into their own hands, so you can navigate life with unshakable trust in yourself and your body!

[Learn more about my story here]

Lisa Jara sitting cross-legged on a green lawn, smiling into the camera with a lightly tilted head and a soft pink coffee mug saying "Perfectly Imperfect!"