The Rite of the Womb was given to a lady shaman in the Amazon jungle from a lineage of women who freed themselves from suffering and who want us to remember that the womb space is not a place to store fear and pain, but to create and give birth to life.

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Indigenous cultures and our ancestors teach us that the womb is not a place to store fear and pain, it’s a place to create and give birth to life.

Yet, for many generations, womb-bearers (women and menstruating folks, whether or not they have physical organs present) have accumulated not only the pain and suffering from their own life experiences, but also that of their blood ancestors.

No wonder we see all sorts of menstrual health conditions increase, like painful periods, endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, cysts, pain during intercourse, vulvodynia, vaginismus or any other sort of pelvic pain.

The “Rite of the Womb” was given to a lady shaman in the Amazon jungle and is for all womb bearers (women and menstruating folks, whether or not you have physical organs present) who are ready to release pain and suffering from their womb and instead welcome it back as the powerful source of inner wisdom and creativity from where all Life is born, physical or not.

As a Womb Keeper (receiver of this powerful Rite) myself, today I share:

  • What the Rite of the Womb is and how it was given to humankind
  • The importance of the Rite of the Womb in my own journey of healing menstrual pain and other symptoms
  • How it helps us remember our place in the web of Life and come home to ourselves
  • Why the Wheel of the Year festival Samhain is an especially potent time to set a healing intention
  • An invitation to release fear and pain from your own womb and become a Womb Keeper yourself

Resources I mentioned:

Register for my next Rite of the Womb Ceremony HERE

[If there’s none coming up, or you prefer a private 1:1 space to receive the Rite yourself, send me a mail and we will make that happen.
Either way, it’s completely free of charge!]

The Rite of the Womb website

My blog article on Samhain

Sign up for Mo(o)nday Musings,
and receive my free personal e-letter to start your week with some soul-infused musings and support in your personal cycle (whether you menstruate or not):

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