Join Rianne BeCraft and Lisa Jara for an intimate conversation about PMS & PMDD and how they might be showing up in your life or in the lives of those around you – including some ideas how you can support yourself or your loved ones in this experience.

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Many people have heard about PMS-symptoms – the Pre-Menstrual Syndrome can show up in a variety of physical and psycho-emotional ways, like migraines, bloating, water retention, congestion, and also fatigue, listlessness and mood swings.

But there is something only few people are aware of, which is usually more pronounced on the psycho-emotional level and leads to an intense experience that could be called “PMS on steroids”: PMDD – Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder

In the days and weeks before their period, some people enter into existential despair (more than they might normally do), leading them to big questions like “Is all this living even worth it?”

This is extremely taxing on the nervous system, especially when you don’t understand that this is connected to your menstrual cycle experience.

Join my guest Rianne BeCraft and me for this intimate conversation about PMS and PMDD, how they might be showing up in your life or in the lives of people around you and a few ideas on how you can support yourself or your loved ones in these experiences.

Because menstrual Cycle issues are common, not normal;
and while this conversation is by no means a substitute for professional medical advice, we hope that what we share will help you make a little more sense of your experience and feel less alone in it!

In Part 1 we address:

  • Rianne’s story and their experience with different menstrual cycle issues (PMS, back pain, their psychoemotional experience and ADHD)
  • The possible connection between PMDD and neurodivergence and how lymphatic work can help
  • Why PMS/PMDD happens in the luteal / premenstrual phase and how cycle charting can help make sense of your experience
  • How Rianne figured out patterns to their symptoms and started making preparations and requests

Part 2 is all about:

  • How the premenstrual phase can help you discern your needs, what works for you and what doesn’t
  • Area of support no. 1: Communication – with self and the people around you
  • Area of support no. 2: Grounding & Down-Regulating
  • Area of support no. 3: Upregulating (exercise, healthy socialising, “dumb entertainment”)
  • The three most important systems for female health
  • A note on gender dysphoria and female health terminology used

Resources we mentioned:

Free Cycle Charting Course “Unlock the (Healing) Power of your Cycle”

Rianne’s “The Meaningful Life Manual”

You can also ask me (Lisa) any question here or send me a voice message!

And if you want to address the deeper layers of menstrual or perimenopausal health issues and feel safe, happy, healthy and (w)holy in your body, book your free Discovery Call here and let’s get to know each other.


More about my guest:

Rianne BeCraft (they/them) helps environmental and social changemakers build a life they love and a career to match! Through career and life coaching, they support people in continuing to care about the world, with a lot more play (and without the burnout).

Rianne loves being on/in/around water as much as possible and reading a wide range of genres, from psychology to spirituality and fantasy!

Learn more about Rianne’s background on their website or connect with them on Instagram.

They generously offer 20% off a single coaching session for first-time clients who mention this episode, so make sure to book your Free Consult Call!

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