Womb Whispers Podcast
Let’s be honest: As a woman or menstruating person in this society, it isn’t exactly easy to grow up with a lot of reverence for your body, nor your cycle.
In this spiritual-feminist podcast about menstrual wisdom and activism for our modern times, I share musings, reflections and conversations to make living as a cyclical being (ALL beings are cyclical, by the way!) in a world set up for linear progress more easeful for you.
Let yourself be inspired to detox from the systems of oppression you’ve most probably internalised, so you can walk the spirals of your life with more confidence and trust in yourself and your gorgeous body and reclaim the superpower and ancient wisdom already stored in your bones!
And no, you don’t need to have a uterus to benefit from this!

This is a little introduction for you to get to know me and what to expect, so you can decide if you want to stick around and hear more.
Which, of course, I hope is the case, so don’t forget to subscribe on your favourite podcasting platform!
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Latest Episodes
What the Witch and Kali Ma teach us about the Pre-Menstruum and the Perimenopause Transition
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The Rite of the Womb
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How to Liberate Flow
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How to Decolonize the Body
Ixchel Lunar and I want to raise awareness about how the systems and structures we live in are heavily impacting our relationship to time and to the body, and how the pace of life is a social construct that works against us in so many different ways. [...]
How to Decolonize Time
Ixchel Lunar and I want to raise awareness about how the systems and structures we live in are heavily impacting our relationship to time and to the body, and how the pace of life is a social construct that works against us in so many different ways. [...]
Decolonising Time, Decolonising the Body and Liberating Flow – Introduction
Ixchel Lunar and I want to raise awareness about how the systems and structures we live in are heavily impacting our relationship to time and to the body, and how the pace of life is a social construct that works against us in so many different ways. [...]
The Four Phases of Your Cycle Explained – Part 4: Inner Autumn
Welcome to Part 4 of this 4-part series to help you get to know your cycle (menstrual or moon) better and make sense of your cyclical experience, so you can journey this monthly process of inner death and rebirth with more ease, calm and confidence. Subscribe on[...]
The Four Phases of Your Cycle Explained – Part 3: Inner Summer
Welcome to Part 3 of this 4-part series to help you get to know your cycle (menstrual or moon) better and make sense of your cyclical experience, so you can journey this monthly process of inner death and rebirth with more ease, calm and confidence. Subscribe on[...]