Welcome to Part 3 of this 4-part series to help you get to know your cycle (menstrual or moon) better and make sense of your cyclical experience, so you can journey this monthly process of inner death and rebirth with more ease, calm and confidence.

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In this four-part mini-series, I’ll walk you through each phase of your cycle and how it works you on a physical, emotional, mental-psychological and spiritual level every month. This is especially relevant if you are a woman, whether or not you’re bleeding and whether or not you have physcial organs present, or if you are a non-binary menstruator in pre-, peri- or post-menopause.

Because when you understand the processes going on inside of you and how to journey this steady death-and-rebirth process consciously, with awareness, you will feel more relaxed and grounded in yourself. You develop trust in this cyclical rhythm that might seem incontrollable and undependable at first, but that’s actually very dependable, just in a different rhythm than your mind would like.

Since a cycle is inherently regenerative, allowing for each phase/season to have its place will ensure that you spend your precious life force on the things that really matter to you and that you deeply care about.

I dive into:

  • What the “Inner Summer”-phase is
  • How it influences your body, heart, mind and soul every month
  • A journaling prompt to connect with the unique wisdom your “Inner Summer” holds
  • A practice to help you tap into the power of your own “Inner Summer” experience

Resources I mentioned:

My free Cycle Charting course to learn how to communicate with your body and cycle: Unlock the Power of your Cycle

My “Sacred Cycle Deep Dive” sessions

And if you experience conditions like painful periods, PMS/PMDD, endometriosis, PCOS, irregular cycles or symptoms associated with menopause, know that as a Menstrual and Menopausal Health Coach I help you address them in a natural and holistic way at their root cause (so without surgery or hormones), for a happy healthy bleeding or perimenopause experience.
If you want to take your menstrual or menopausal health into your own hands, book a call and let’s chat  or send me an email, if you prefer a written conversation.

Coming soon!

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