Hi, I’m Lisa (she / her).

I help you feel safe, happy, healthy and (w)holy in your body – bleeding or not!

trauma-sensitive | holistic | natural

Lisa Jara, a white woman with blond hair curled into a bun, wearing a dark patterned shirt, leaning against a white wall and beaming into the camera

Menstrual and (Peri)Menopausal Health
for women and menstruators

If you’re looking for somewhere to …

  • talk about menstruation, menopause and all the taboo topics related to female health in a saf-er space

  • learn more about your body and what’s going on inside of it through various life stages

  • receive support in your personal cycle (whether you menstruate or not/not anymore)

  • address the deeper causes of menstrual and menopausal health challenges in a holistic and natural way, without medication, hormones or surgery

you’ve come to the right place!

How can I best support you?

Photo of the lower belly of a black person in white underpants, holding a red menstrual cup with some red-white-patterned flowers in their hands

Menstrual Health

Are you ready to address the deeper causes of your menstrual challenges in a natural way, for a happy period and complete trust in your body?

Photo of a middle aged person with long, dark blond hair, pulling up a black velvety hood over their head and looking conidently to a spot to the left upper side of the viewer

Menopausal Health

Do you want to nourish your body, heart, mind and soul, so you can move through midlife with calm and confidence?

Person read as Asian female in dark waters, head lifted up, eyes closed, hands in prayer position underneath their chin

Life Transitions

Are you looking for support through a major life transition – for confident choices and a life that’s meaningful to you?

Photo of four young people read as women, who lay head-to-head on the floor with closed eyes, looking relaxed

Embodied Cyclical Living

Do you want to live more in tune with your cycle and see it as your powerful ally and guide through life?

Yep, this is deep work.
But it can be fun and easeful, too, I promise! :-)

Decorative element: white envelope with a red wax seal in the form of a heart

Mo(o)nday Musings

Sign up for my personal e-letter to start your week with soul-infused musings instead of frantically tackling your to-do list ;-)

Get to know me better …

There’s one thing you need to know about me:
I go deep!

And as a feminist mystic space holder for the Dark and Taboo, I lead a Quiet, yet powerful Revolution if you want to radically trust and follow your own body’s cyclical wisdom, release trauma and internalised shame and thereby erode patriarchy from the inside out!

This is of course rooted in my own story, so make yourself comfortable and get to know me better:

Lisa Jara in purple shirt in front of a golden field of grain in the light of the setting sun, looking into the camera

“Lisa helped me connect with my menstrual cycle and I could let go of a lot of fear, anxiety and grief around it post having endometriosis.

I feel more connected to my body and grounded, listening to its wisdom and intelligence, prioritizing ways to make my body feel good.”

Free Resources

There’s a lot about Life and our female health that we should have been taught at school …

My free resources are my contribution to help you feel well equipped to navigate the ebb and flow of Life with unshakeable trust in yourself and your body, and take your female health into your own hands!

Photo of a white notepad with black spiral binding at the top, dark red flower petals and dark green leaves sprinkled on the white paper


Explore my informative, inspiring and personal articles.

Visit the blog

Big dark red rose on dark red background, with light beige audiogram in the foreground and the text "Womb Whispers"


Your weekly dose of menstrual wisdom for our modern times.

Listen in

Photo of the womb space of a person in white underpants holding a red rose in a transparent menstrual cup in front of them


Learn the unique language of your body, to

Unlock the Healing Power of your Cycle

Photo of Lisa, a white woman in a dark patterned shirt, hair curled up on top of the head, sitting cross-legged on the lawn, holding a soft pink cup saying "perfectly imperfect" in her hands


Got a burning question regarding your menstrual or menopausal health?

Ask me here!

You and your Cycle have the Power
to Change the World!

When you follow the rhythm of your body, you withdraw from white supremacist patriarchy.
When you follow the rhythm of your body, you withdraw from extraction culture.
When you follow the rhythm of your body, you withdraw from capitalism.

When you follow the rhythm of your body, you withdraw from white supremacist patriarchy.

When you follow the rhythm of your body, you withdraw from extraction culture.

When you follow the rhythm of your body, you withdraw from capitalism.

Dark red silhouette of a torso with breasts, leaves entwined around it

When you follow the rhythm of your body, you celebrate yourself.
When you follow the rhythm of your body, you celebrate your ancestors.
When you follow the rhythm of your body, you celebrate the Earth, and Life itself.

When you follow the rhythm of your body, you celebrate yourself.

When you follow the rhythm of your body, you celebrate your ancestors.

When you follow the rhythm of your body, you celebrate the Earth, and Life itself.

Going at your own pace IS the Quiet Revolution!

Are your ready to join?

*and want to sign up for Mo(o)nday Musings!

“As I move through this process, I find that being anything other than 100% genuine has become almost unbearable.

The way out of this darkness is to put myself unapologetically at the centre of my own story.”

Sara B., True to You