Please bother me


Recently a friend told me some very deep stuff about her current health situation and what lay heavy on her heart. And then ended [...]

Please bother me2024-01-31T00:37:13+01:00

On being behind


What if we embraced that there is no “behind”? What if we’re always at the right spot according to our personal rhythm? What if [...]

On being behind2024-01-31T00:37:45+01:00

You can never be behind!


How the made-up concept of “being behind” shapes our reality and is detrimental to our health Nobody likes to be “behind”. We’ve learned [...]

You can never be behind!2025-02-08T21:45:00+01:00

Philosophical Practice


An Interview with Tina Wittholm What does a Philosophical Practitioner do? I talked to Tina Wittholm who runs a philosophical practice and if [...]

Philosophical Practice2024-01-31T00:40:16+01:00

Do you dare to Dream Big?


... because dreams DO happen! I went to my favourite art store the other day to get inspired and found a beautifully designed [...]

Do you dare to Dream Big?2024-08-16T15:53:17+02:00

Decolonising Time


An Interview with Ixchel Lunar In the video below, Ixchel Lunar and I talk about the concept of time from a colonialist and [...]

Decolonising Time2024-01-31T00:42:18+01:00
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