The Rite of the Womb


The Rite of the Womb was given to a lady shaman in the Amazon jungle from a lineage of women who freed themselves from [...]

The Rite of the Womb2024-07-04T15:51:59+02:00

How to Liberate Flow


Ixchel Lunar and I want to raise awareness about how the systems and structures we live in are heavily impacting our relationship to time [...]

How to Liberate Flow2023-10-04T09:11:37+02:00

How to Decolonize the Body


Ixchel Lunar and I want to raise awareness about how the systems and structures we live in are heavily impacting our relationship to time [...]

How to Decolonize the Body2023-09-22T20:23:04+02:00

How to Decolonize Time


Ixchel Lunar and I want to raise awareness about how the systems and structures we live in are heavily impacting our relationship to time [...]

How to Decolonize Time2023-09-22T20:23:35+02:00
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