May my writings encourage you to go on a journey of self-discovery, to find out who you really are beyond all ideas and beliefs, what inspires you, what you are passionate about – and then to take the freedom to be yourself, wholeheartedly!

Miscarriage – why talking about it can help you heal
It wasn’t until a few years ago, when a close friend experienced a miscarriage, that I started paying attention to this topic. And what I found peculiar was that whenever I brought that topic[...]
Autumn Equinox (Mabon)
Autumn Equinox is one of the eight festivals in the Wheel of the Year, which in its entirety represents the Cycle of Life. In this cycle of becoming and unbecoming, death and rebirth, Autumn[...]
How to chart your menstrual/moon cycle
As a woman and/or menstruator, cycle charting is a great way to (re)connect with your cycle and build a supportive relationship with your body. This is relevant no matter whether you cycle with the[...]
Lughnasadh (spoken Lu – nah – sa) is one of the eight festivals in the Wheel of the Year, which in its entirety represents the cycle of life. In this cycle of becoming and[...]
Diaphragmatic Breathing
What it is, how you do it and how it can support you and your body find more ease and calm in the chaos of life What is the Diaphragm and what[...]
Summer Solstice (Litha)
Summer Solstice (also known as Litha) is one of the eight festivals in the Wheel of the Year, which in its entirety represents the cycle of life. In this cycle of becoming and unbecoming,[...]
Life is cyclical
Why do we believe the road to where we want to go is straight? Do you also love to have a step-by-step plan to achieve a certain result in your life? "Do THIS[...]
Please bother me
Recently a friend told me some very deep stuff about her current health situation and what lay heavy on her heart. And then ended with "I'm sorry, I don't want to bother you with[...]
A different take on Midlife Crisis
What if it’s not a “midlife” crisis, but an existential or identity crisis that can come about at any age? What if a "midlife crisis" (which I believe isn’t necessarily tied to a[...]
People will get exactly what they need out of being in your presence!
Whether that's something immediately healing or being triggered with the opportunity of healing further down the line isn't up to you to decide... Think about it, even being triggered can be a healing experience![...]
On being behind
What if we embraced that there is no “behind”? What if we’re always at the right spot according to our personal rhythm? What if “behind” is just another lie patriarchy and capitalism have invented[...]
You can never be behind!
How the made-up concept of “being behind” shapes our reality and is detrimental to our health Nobody likes to be “behind”. We’ve learned early on in life that to be behind means you’re[...]