May my writings encourage you to go on a journey of self-discovery, to find out who you really are beyond all ideas and beliefs, what inspires you, what you are passionate about – and then to take the freedom to be yourself, wholeheartedly!

Sacred Rebels Oracle Cards
An Oracle Reading for my Red Tent Circles When I finally decided to take the leap and start my own Red Tent monthly circle, I felt a new deck of oracle cards specifically[...]
Gisa Damerius
Why She Inspires Me Looking for a new kind of self-care experience I googled "facial treatments" in my location and found Gisa Damerius and her studio "Hautgefühl" (German for "skin feeling"). "Skin feeling",[...]
My favourite oracle card decks
I myself did not dare to deal or work with oracle cards more closely for many years – and also had little interest in them. On the one hand this was due to my[...]
Graeme Connelly
Why He Inspires Me In September 2019 my husband and I took a belated honeymoon trip to Scotland. It was one of the best trips we’ve ever taken, as we simply adored the[...]
My Journey from OCD to Personal Power
You know, for most of my life, I have felt at the mercy of someone or something else, conditioned that the expert on me lies somewhere outside, and that I had to strive for[...]
Dear beloved Soul,
I recently had a very personal and deep diving coaching session and would like to share my profound (at least for me) and inspirational insights with you: I was going through a phase of[...]
The Spiritual Feminist
What's in a name To be honest, the name just popped into my head one day while I was vacuum cleaning our apartment… I’ve never really considered calling myself a feminist before. Yes, I[...]