May my writings encourage you to go on a journey of self-discovery, to find out who you really are beyond all ideas and beliefs, what inspires you, what you are passionate about – and then to take the freedom to be yourself, wholeheartedly!

Being highly sensitive is your superpower
How to hone your sensitivities and see them as a gift What does being highly sensitive mean? A highly sensitive person has a deeper sensitivity to, and is more deeply affected by,[...]
The Power of my Menstruation
A Poem Sitting by the campfire I feel its raw power and the raw power within me quiet. slow. strong. a wild woman surrounded by the darkness of the womb I can rest[...]
Feminist Business, Feminist Coaching
In conversation with Lauren Elizabeth What does feminism have to do with business? Isn’t it only about women fighting for women’s rights? (Hint: No!) How can we do business and coaching from a[...]
It’s okay to be human!
"It’s okay." - my favourite self-soothing mantra, the one I repeat to myself every time I get bogged down by plans not working out the way I want or when I feel heavy emotions[...]
Philosophical Practice
An Interview with Tina Wittholm What does a Philosophical Practitioner do? I talked to Tina Wittholm who runs a philosophical practice and if you’re anything like me, philosophy and practice (= practical application)[...]
Moving through Grief
Grief is our reaction to loss, which can come in many different shapes or forms. When talking about loss, we usually think of a loved one or a dear pet dying. Then there[...]
Do you dare to Dream Big?
... because dreams DO happen! I went to my favourite art store the other day to get inspired and found a beautifully designed notebook that I immediately wanted to buy. Knowing myself and[...]
Cycle Tracking
An interview with Sandra Himsl In this video, Sandra and I discuss possibilities to track your own (menstrual) cycle and why this can be important. 00:14 Who Sandra is and what she[...]
Decolonising Time
An Interview with Ixchel Lunar In the video below, Ixchel Lunar and I talk about the concept of time from a colonialist and an indigenous perspective and what practices we can use to[...]
Befriending my Uterus
I've been having a painful menstruation for many years, at least during the first two days. And since I've started going down the path of personal development/evolution and cleaning out my emotional and energetic[...]
Hilda Tadria
Why she inspires me I met Hilda through my job in project finance for a women's rights organisation that supports women who have experienced and survived sexualised violence in regions of war and[...]
I want to live my life in full colour!
Our being is a whole/complete and interconnected system – and I love how Soul-based Coaching takes this into account. Because working on one aspect of your life or work/business immediately radiates out towards other[...]